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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 18, 2013 11:35pm-12:35am PDT

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me. who saw the leprechaun, say yeah! >> jimmy: a pot of gold is right there in his mouth. i love that guy. if he were available i would adopt him as my child. not only sightings of leprechaun there was a composite sketch made. >> eyewitnesss say the leprechaun only comes out at night if you shine a light in its direction it disappears. this amateur sketch is what many say this is what the leprechaun looks like. >> jimmy: it's a leprechaun or an acorn with eyes. it seems unlikely there was a leprechaun in mobile, alabama there was something afoot and this woman had a solid theory. >> others have come up with their own theories and
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explanations. >> it be a crack head that is always in the wrong stuff and gets up in the tree and play a leprechaun. >> jimmy: finally someone talking sense. there you go. either a leprechaun or a little green crack head. either way, happy st. patrick's day, everyone. thank you. an exciting night here at abc with the premier of our fresh new season of "dancing with the stars" a word that redefines the words "dancing" and "star." by the way, one way or another you are not a star if you are in a show with the word "star" in the title. they have kellie pickler, d.l. hughley, winona judd, dorothy hamill and andy dick. he always finds a way to get arrested.
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after the initial cast was announced they added a surprise 12th contestant, the bachelor, sean lowe. tomorrow i will make my "dancing with the stars" pick. i picked the bachelor right. for "dancing with the stars" i'm leaning toward kellie pickler over gonzaga in the finals. this is my march madness. the first four round kicks off tomorrow night in dayton, ohio and i have already lost the office pool here. louisville, kansas, indiana and gonzaga are the number one seeds. gonzaga is a school, not a pokemon. everyone is an expert in college basketball in march. people fill them out like they are mapping the human genome. most people will pick the teams
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they like. there are a lot of factors. most are nonsensical but in the end the person who knows the least about it seems to win. no one knows less about college basketball than my cousin mickey. but she will probably beat me. i asked her to go through her thought process to help you with your brackets at your office. it's time for mick's picks. >> i'm mickey i'm here to share with you my ncaa tournament picks for 2013. okay. for starters, north carolina and colorado i went with colorado for the rocky mountains. because rocky voed my favorite ice cream and i went from st. louis to st. mary. i picked st. mary because i luke the saint mary. i like her. she is nice to pray to.
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and the vol prays. and gonzaga i picked because i like to say the name, gonzaga. it seems fun. but on this side it's exhausting. so now you have to refocus and go to the right side of the bracket. and here it's villanova or wisconsin. western kentucky. i went with villanova just because it sounds kind of fancy and italian. and then virginia and north carolina and i went with virginia commonwealth. i thought that commonwealth sounded like a unity word like the common people and the wealthy people and it sounded like they could bible to and made it a commonwealth. it sounded like togetherness and i picked that. and here it's either san diego or florida gulf coast and i think it is fun to say fuc.
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people know what you mean. then we go to indiana to the temple. temple is important. i picked that for religious reasons. it's incorporating praising and st. mary and the temple. so it is incorporating everything together for my bracket sheet. then it goes california, to bucknell and i did bucknell just because bucknell. and then it goes marquette which sounds like a margarita in the pacific. and you can have margaritas on the pacific ocean at the beach. that's always fun. i have to go in here and pick. this is where i start to get a little bit void and exhausted from the bracket. and i feel sometimes you have to kind of skip a step and go with the winner. i went with bucknell.
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i think it's important in life to support the under dogs and the most important thing is go with your gut, not with your head and you can't go wrong. thank you. >> jimmy: actually, pretty sure you can go wrong. but she's very religious. thank you, mickey. lindsay lohan was back in court for a probation violation hearing. she does this on the third weekend of every month. she almost didn't make it at all. she was 48 minutes late to court. what she really needs to steal is a watch. she was supposed to fly from new york to l.a. on saturday but missed her flight because she was at a concert. she rescheduled to fly on sunday but walked off the plane because she thought it was leak fuel. others walked off too but they thought that lindsay was leaking fuel. she talked an energy drink company into flying her out in a
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private jet which landed five minutes after she was supposed to be in court. fortunately one thing that lindsay can do is speed through traffic so she made it to court. here she is arriving in the courthouse. someone threw glitter at her. she pleaded guilty to lying to police and obstructing officers. at the time she wasn't driving but today she admitted she was. she will do 90 days in a lock down rehab. 18 months of court ordered psychotherapy and forced to watch the movie "liz and dick" in its entirety. i'm sure she'll learn from this one. tiger woods made an announcement today. he announced he is officially dating lindsey vonn. so just when you thought lohan had a lock on the title of
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lindsay with the worst judgment along comes lindsay vonn. tiger said we have become close and are now dating. we thank you for your support and respecting our privacy. and the best way to keep it private is to post about it on facebook. i'm happy for them. it's nice to see tiger with a woman not holding a subpoena for a change. it's harder to break the window of an escalade with a ski pole than with a golf club. congratulations to them. another news from 2009, sarah palin spoke in national harbor, maryland at the gaylord national resort. someone has a sense of humor. palin took a swipe at michael bloomberg by drinking out of a big gulp cup.
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and sarah palin don't take kindly to city folk getting into her mountain dew code red. [ applause ] >> jimmy: in alaska, that's a mating call. we need to take a break. but when we come back my cousin sal was at the l.a. marathon yesterday. he wasn't running. he was doing this. >> lucky charms, everyone. a spoonful of lucky charms. there you go. there's a big bite. there's a big bite. lucky charms? lucky charms. >> jimmy: so we have sal at the marathon and we've also got jennifer love hewitt, steven yeun and music from keyshia cole, so come on back.
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] prepare yourself for the feeling of more water without using more water. with the unique wave pattern of delta h2okinetic technology. another way delta is more than just a shower. see what delta can do. [ crisp crunches ] whoo-hoo-hoo!
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guess it was. [ male announcer ] pringles, bursting with more flavor. it's not for colds. it's not for pain. it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪ zzzquil™. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. ♪ [ female announcer ] come alive with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. feel the taste. [ female announcer ] come alive with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. til dance do we part! the solos are complete... you are the pig to her blanket. that's not breakdancing, that's break-up dancing. don't give up on us america, we're not done yet! now two must dance as one. you won't run into the top ten appliance brands just anywhere... only sears carries them all. hurry in and get up to 30% or more off appliances with your sears card
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this is sears. keeping up with the kids is tough, so i drink emergen-c. with vitamin c for immune support and b vitamins for natural energy, i'm ready for whatever they get into. get your free sample at stay healthy and feel the good. we know this is more at mthan a paycheck. it's rent. bus fare. a night out. that's why we let you file your simple federal return for free. it's free to prepare, print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at
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>> jimmy: welcome back. jennifer love hewitt, from "the walking dead," steven yeun and keyshia cole are here. it was a big day yesterday for involuntary puking. did you know it's illegal to run a marathon unless you tell 80 people about it all day every day for three months. the way the marathons work they put the elite runners in the front. these are people who actually might win the race. but watch the guy in the blue on
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the right side of the screen. he knows he doesn't have a chance to win. but when the race starts he bolts out in front for a very, very brief run at glory. i would freeze frame that right there. and use it as my facebook picture forever. but the winner of the men's division was a kenyan. a kenyan winning a marathon is like a dog winning the westminster dog show. a woman from belarus won the women's division. she hid traffic off the 405. people get serious when they are running a marathon. it makes it ideal for my cousin sal. we send him to the marathon and entertain the runners along the way. here's cousin sal at the 2013 l.a. marathon. ♪
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>> cousin sal here at the 2013 l.a. marathon at mile 11 where the runners get dehydrated. i'm going to help them out with my own unique brand of water glued to a table. get your water here. go ahead, take some. use that upper body strength. don't with shy, give it a try. >> are you serious? >> it's a bad joke. i know. >> hey. >> grab one. take all your want. there you go. not grabbing it right. pull, twist. get your water here. >> [ bleep ]. >> water here, come on now. there you go. >> go, take some, [ bleep ]. >> come on. all right. oh, yeah people have been having trouble with that one.
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>> grab it, oh! ruins everybody's fun. wouldn't be st. patrick's day without jell-o shots. come on, take that one. you got to be drunk to do this. there you go. drink up. drink up. jell-o shots. take that. all right. ♪ >> here's some traditional green shrimp cocktail. who wants some shrimp? st. patrick's day shrimp. you want one? >> no. >> shrimp cocktail. don't forget to dip it. don't be afraid. dip it. all right. been running forever. take some. here you go. been sitting out all week. you're going to get really sick. take some green shrimp cocktail.
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eat it. shrimp cocktail. leftover chinese food from last night or wednesday. i don't know. egg foo young. that's a small piece. take it. take it. >> thank you. >> come on. take it. all right. >> what am i supposed to do now? egg foo young. great, thanks. >> egg foo young? oh, my god, look at that. spin the wheel for a chance to win a giant prize. go ahead, buddy. what you going to win? we'll get you a cruise, a motorcycle. all right. hurry up. you gave that a whirl. >> stop. got to go a lot of big prizes on
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that wheel. i thought it would stop on the new car. >> i got to go, man. >> where you going? >> slowing down.çp hang in there. it's going to stop. [ bleep ]. >> that's it? that's it? oh, no.d, you won a motorcycle! motorcycle? oh, that's a -- >> a charge. >> yeah. >> yes, that's a good call. hit the showers. congratulations. you win a leprechaun. take him. take him. run, run, run. that's all the work you need. don't feed him after midnight.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> there he is. thank you, cousin sal. we have a good show for you tonight. from "the walking dead," steven yeun is here. we have music from keyshia cole, and we'll be right back with jennifer love hewitt, so stick around. ♪music playing [ male announcer ] it's surprising what your mouth goes through in a day.
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but what's even more surprising is that brushing alone isn't enough to keep it clean. fortunately, you've got listerine®. unlike brushing which misses 75% of your mouth, listerine® cleans virtually your entire mouth. so what are you waiting for? it's time to take your mouth to a whole new level of health. listerine®... power to your mouth™. and take the listerine® 21 day challenge. feel the difference, or your money back.
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an) 3 days of walkingterine® 21 day challenge. to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful
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hello there. >> jimmy: tonight on the program, a man who spends sunday nights protecting his brain from hungry zombies on "the walking dead." steven yeun is here. and then, with music from her latest cd it's called "woman to woman," keyshia cole from the sony stage. tomorrow night, gerard butler will be here, vanessa hudgens will be with us and we'll have music from t.i. and later this week, halle berry, ellen pompeo, former bachelor, current dancer sean lowe. elle fanning will be here, music from red gold green and lianne la havas. our first guest is a golden globe-nominated actress who's moved effortlessly from whispering to ghosts to rubbing men with lotion in their secret parts. season two of "the client list" airs sundays at 10:00 on lifetime. please say hello to jennifer love hewitt. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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>> i'm good. how are you? >> jimmy: good. >> nice to see you. >> jimmy: what were you doing on the show? >> baseball. i found out i have a good arm. >> jimmy: you have never thrown a baseball before? >> never in my life. >> jimmy: who told you you have a good arm? >> greg on our show. >> jimmy: guillermo, go find a baseball. >> all right. i'll try. >> jimmy: we'll see what's going on with your arm. >> now there is going to be pressure. >> jimmy: he'll never find a baseball. here's what's going to happen. he's going to happen into the green room and there is a bar in the green room and the baseball will be forgotten. >> good. >> jimmy: baseball today. were you giving sports massages? >> i can't say what we were doing. it's top secret. we were doing a scene on the
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baseball field. it's sweet and fun. >> jimmy: speaking of sexy things. the last time you were here there was a billboard featuring your cleavage on sunset boulevard. we got a key piece of that billboard and brought it here and presented that to you. >> thank you so much, by the way. >> jimmy: that's what it looked like. so we sent that to your office, i think, the next day. >> you did on a flat bed truck. >> jimmy: on a flat bed truck ironically. >> nice. yes. >> jimmy: and you brought -- who is this? >> some of my co-workers enjoyed taking pictures with that. >> jimmy: how long was it in the office? >> for a few weeks and i think every, everybody -- >> jimmy: even the people in hr. >> can you imagine they're like
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hey. >> jimmy: it seems like it's a violation. >> where is it now? >> it's in my house. >> jimmy: hanging in your home? >> in my attic. >> jimmy: you must have some attic. >> they are just hanging out there. >> jimmy: you know what would be good you could have a hell of a garage sale if you had that thing out front. you would make a billion dollars. or put it on the roof for helicopters that fly by. >> for shade. >> jimmy: you build a clubhouse out of it. >> hoist it up there. >> jimmy: that will not be in your living room then? >> no. thank you. thanks. >> jimmy: i thought you had taste. >> i'm sorry to disappoint. >> jimmy: it's okay. there were no billboards with the cleavage this time around. >> we toned it down but did a music video. >> jimmy: you are a burlesque dancer in the video.
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not a stripper. there is a difference. they don't get naked right? >> no. they tease. >> jimmy: and who -- >> randy jackson. >> jimmy: of "american idol" why did you need him to produce this video? >> we have known each other for a while. he is a great guy. >> jimmy: he is a great guy. >> we needed a music producer to come in. he said i know these great choreographers who do burlesque. randy and i would go at 10:00 or 10:30 at night to burlesque clubs just the two of us and hang out and watch these women and really seriously be like, that pelvic movement would look good on my figure. that shimmy thing. >> jimmy: for a month? >> a month. and by the way no one wrote about it or saw us. i go to the cleaners and they're
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like she went to the cleaners. randy jackson and i were at burlesque clubs and no one said a word. >> jimmy: he dresses so inconspicuously. you might just think it's a regular guy walking in. >> he's a great, great guy. >> jimmy: whose idea was it to do research? >> it was mine, to be fair. it was mine. and we found this amazing choreographer and went to these great shows and the women were incredible. it was really fun. >> jimmy: that randy, i don't know what's going on with him. he's very clever i have to say. you told "usa today" that you would be considered taking an insurance policy out on your -- on your breasts -- which we're back to again. >> i did not. >> jimmy: you did not say that? >> i was doing an interview and someone said that all these people are insurancing your parts and they were like would
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you insure the ladies? and i'm like -- they're like how much would you do it for if you did? i threw out a number and the next thing i know and my brother is calling me going you're doing what? what? i didn't say -- >> jimmy: what was the number? >> $5 million. >> jimmy: is that per each one or is that for the set? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: you don't know? don't you feel like we have to figure this out what the deductible who is your all state agent. >> someone should buy the poster for $5 million out of my attic. >> jimmy: we're going the take a quick break. the show is called "the client list." jennifer love hewitt is with us. we'll be right back. in basketball,is bett
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>> the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. ur nickname be? mmmhmm. it would be fast-y because you're really fast when you go. what about you? nicky flash? why nicky? because it rhymes with flash. close... yeah. close. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. faster is better. and at&t is the nation's fastest 4g lte network for your iphone 5. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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-only three dollars. -crazy! [ male announcer ] yeah, crazy awesome. this march, get the oven roasted chicken $3 6 inch select as one of our march featured values. now that's a great deal! subway. eat fresh. i'm in italy... ♪ iciao! iciao! iciao! dude?! [ male announcer ] try the delizioso italian b.m.t., one of our fresh takes on italian. subway. eat fresh.
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it will if it's new outlast stay fabulous foundation. it's a primer, concealer and foundation in one for all day flawless skin. new outlast stay fabulous from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. [ phone ding! ] another dare. they're proving that viva doesn't play by the rules. dunk it again for the close-up. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. at least the fame hasn't gone to their heads. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. the camera loves your mom. she's a natural. [ crisp crunches ] whoo-hoo-hoo! guess it was. [ male announcer ] pringles, bursting with more flavor.
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>> jimmy: we are back. jennifer love hewitt is here with us. "the client list" is the show. you were talking about you shooting a baseball scene today. and guillermo has returned with a baseball. where did you get the baseball? >> in the green room.
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>> jimmy: did you stop any time while you were in there. you did have a quick drink. he is celebrating st. patrick's day. he's from ireland, you know. >> do i have to throw this? >> jimmy: you do. just to recap we were told today you have a good throwing arm. >> yes. >> jimmy: let's find out. >> okay. >> jimmy: you go right there. >> i go right here. >> jimmy: is that a good spot. do we have slow motion ready? in case we need to. >> if i injury someone i'm so sorry. >> jimmy: let's see if you have a good arm. wow. that was pretty good. do we have that in slow motion? let's analyze this form here and see. you do have a pretty good -- better an my catching. very well done. there you go. >> jimmy: jennifer love hewitt! "the client list" airs sundays
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at 10:00 pm on lifetime. we'll be right back with steven yeun from "the walking dead." >> announcer: can't get enough kimmel? find highlights and more at going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery
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>> jimmy: still to come, keyshia cole. our next guest has somehow managed to stay alive through almost three seasons of "the walking dead," which is impressive. watch him survive sunday nights at 9:00 on amc. please say hello to steven yeun. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: right off the bat, you look very nice. i like your suit. you have no socks on. >> this is a point of contention for a lot of people. >> jimmy: who? besides me. >> mostly people who hate
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ankles. >> jimmy: there are ankle haters out there. is it comfortable? >> it is comfortable. the ankle stuff is really comfortable. because it's free. >> jimmy: you have no socks on. >> but you are liberated. >> jimmy: i guess it's better than heroin. >> pick your poison. actually, i wear this, my dad wanted me to wear a suit, more so everywhere than specifically here. >> jimmy: your dad insists you wear a suit? why? >> he is of the old fashioned type. when i told him i was going to be an actor he was not very happy. >> jimmy: he wasn't? >> no. >> jimmy: what did he do? >> he was an architect and now owns beauty supplies in detroit. >> jimmy: wow. >> it's a lateral move. >> jimmy: i mean where did he move -- to detroit?
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>> i was born in korea. >> jimmy: the good korea or the bad korea? >> depends on the day. no the good korea. the great korea. he moved over and gave up his job and started beauty supplies. and he said being an actor was a poor choice i should have stayed in korea. it worked out and the show came and after that he had nothing but suggestions. he would call me and i would be like i'm going to the grocery store and he said what are you wearing? you should be in a suit. >> jimmy: the fashion police. >> he wants me to put my best foot forward at all times. >> jimmy: and you foot doesn't have a sock on it. will he be upset about the sock thing? >> i'm going to start getting him to do it too. >> jimmy: what part of detroit did he have beauty supply stores in? >> when he started he had one
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called inglewood beauty supply on woodward before kind of the hudson building and all that stuff was destroyed and stuff like that. >> jimmy: was it a tough neighborhood? >> you know, detroit has its positives and its negatives. i love detroit but the financial struggles made for some great stories. >> jimmy: like what? >> like my dad he one time got into a really odd fight. this guy came into the store, stole this lady's purse and ran out and my dad grabbed the guy by the purse and they were both holding on to the purse and pulling each other like this and the guy -- >> jimmy: tug of war with the purse. >> and then there -- my dad would sell the pointy umbrellas. the guy grabbed an umbrella and started swinging at my dad and my dad grabbed by an umbrella.
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they were bound by the wrist like in a gladiator match. that's my dad. >> jimmy: have you considered the possibility that that criminal was the penguin and your father was indeed, batman? >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: that's amazing. "the walking dead" your parents must be thrilled about your success. i mean -- >> they're happy. i mean, like i said they are a basket full of advice. >> jimmy: they are. what other advice do they give you? >> they're korean and they are proud and they want to have me make a foray over to korea. and they're like why not get your hands in endorsements over there and the type of endorsements over there they do anything.
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the biggest stars are peddling cake, underwear, cars and then random furnitures and paper companies. >> jimmy: cake? really? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: i'm so and so for cake. >> brad pit of korea, oh, yeah. >> jimmy: are you guest it? >> i'm not against it. >> jimmy: is "the walking dead" on in korea? >> it is. >> jimmy: is it popular? >> it is. >> jimmy: you have to be the most popular guy on the show, right? in korea? >> you would be surprised. >> jimmy: you need to work on your image. you need to sell some cake. >> i need to sell some cake. >> jimmy: i'm siding with your parents on this one. you're open to endorsement deals in korea? >> sure. >> jimmy: when is the last time you were there? >> two years ago. >> jimmy: you need to go over
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there -- two years ago the show wasn't as huge as it is now. and just be spotted eating cake. >> just drink random drinks. >> jimmy: tell people it's your birthday everywhere you go. >> walk around with underwear. >> jimmy: i think that's a great plan. the fans of the show are very enthusiastic, yes? >> yes. >> jimmy: yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: are they too enthusiastic? >> they're not too enthusiastic. i guess it's more like you have to be very careful about when you let out what you do and so -- i actually recently had a
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coal not colonoscopy. my brother had something going on. and i have to have a camera in my insides now. i was in my gown and the doctor came in and he was really chill and a nice old man. he is like it's going to be fine. you're a young man. but you know how this works right? >> jimmy: maybe an umbrella. >> a couple of purses. we're going to put a camera into your butt and i'm like cool. he's like what do you do? and i'm in entertainment. are you an actor? anything i have seen? i'm on the show "the walking dead." he's like i haven't seen it. and he wheels me into the appointment lawn judge and two other people in there and my back is to them. i'm bare. >> jimmy: that's how they do it. like the opposite of a head shot. >> very opposite.
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yeah. >> jimmy: they do what they have to do. >> so i have my iv in and the guy behind me doesn't know anything you are going to feel something cold. i go okay and i felt something cold. and he could see the -- the doctor could see i was a little off about it. and he put the iv in and trying to calm me down and goes so what show are you on again? dale do you watch his show? and he's like what show is it and i'm like "the walking dead" and the guy behind me goes oh, i love "the walking dead"! yo, dude! that's the dude! and -- the worst part -- the worst part of that is i felt the moment of recognition because he was already -- started on the process.
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>> jimmy: well, i'd say it could be worse but it can't. >> yeah. >> jimmy: steven yeun! "the walking dead" airs sunday nights at 9:00 on amc. when we come back, music from keyshia cole. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. from real housewives to "dancing with the stars." hollywood's rich and famous, lisa vanderpump what made her
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is brought to you by sony. >> jimmy: her new album is called "woman to woman." here with the song, "trust and believe," keyshia cole. ♪ ♪ when we were together i held you down i gave you all of me but look at us now ♪ ♪ thinking of all your excuses but they don't add up now it's so easy to see
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you don't deserve my love ♪ ♪ you pushed me far you brought me to this you had my heart but then you blew it ♪ ♪ and i'm so over you boy who do you think that you are ♪ ♪ trust and believe me you're gonna need me trust and believe me she'll never be me ♪ ♪ and i'm so over you go get lost boy i don't know who you think you are ♪ ♪ you look so foolish with my best friend
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and she ain't no better than you ♪ ♪ she's a three i'm a ten so why are you calling my phone ♪ ♪ you ain't got nothin' i want thought we were really in love ♪ ♪ but that was all a front ♪ ♪ you pushed me far you brought me to it you had my heart but then you blew it ♪ ♪ and i'm so over you go get lost i don't know who you think that you are ♪ ♪ trust and believe me you're gonna need me trust and believe me
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she'll never be me ♪ ♪ and i'm so over you go get lost boy i don't know who you think you are ♪ ♪ how dare you try to clean it up boy please just stop it now don't make a sound ♪ ♪ believe me you're gonna need me trust and believe me she'll never be me ♪ ♪ and i'm so over you go get lost boy i don't know who you think you are ♪
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♪ i'm so over you go get lost you know what you got to tell him? who do you think that you are ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: keyshia cole her cd is out now. i want to thank jennifer love hewitt, steven yeun. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time. tomorrow night, gerard butler, vanessa hudgens and music from t.i. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching. good night.


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